Colors of the season and more meaning
Red is the color most commonly associated with joy and well being. It is the color of celebration and ceremony. A red carpet is often used to welcome distinguished guests. Red is also traditional color of seats in opera houses and theaters. Scarlet academic gowns are worn at by new Doctors of Philosophy at degree ceremonies at Oxford University and other schools. In China, it is considered the color of good fortune and prosperity, and it is the color traditionally worn by brides. In Christian countries, it is the color traditionally worn at Christmas by Santa Claus, because in the 4th century the historic Saint Nicholas was the Greek Christian Bishop of Myra, in modern-day Turkey, and bishops then dressed in red. In Italy, wearing something red on New Year’s eve is a widely diffused auspicious practice. Montegrappa has produced numerous pens in red over the years.
White is the color of pure snow or milk. In Western culture, white is the colour most often associated with innocence, perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, lightness, and exactitude. Montegrappa has manufactured many pens in this color. Montegrappa wishes to share some pictures of these writing instruments, conveying best wishes for a new beginning and success in all your private and professional endeavours.
Happy Holidays!
Elmo & Montegrappa
Via Ca’ Erizzo 43/45 – 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) ITALY
Phone: +39 0424 522232 – Fax: +39 0424 523975
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