While there is no formal record of this holiday, it is certainly worth celebrating!
National Drink Wine Day is celebrated annually on February 18th across the United States.
The purpose of the celebratory day is to spread the love and health benefits of wine. Wine across all nations has played an important role in history, religion and relationships.
Wine enjoyment began to rise again in 2020 (for good reason with COVID lockdowns), after a slow 2019. According to the State of the Wine Industry report from Silicon Valley Bank, they state: “2020 began with declining volume measures and discounting due to an acute oversupply of wine and overall flattening consumer demand. March lockdowns moved consumers to a panic-buying phase for wine, spiking wine sales growth above 60 percent. By the end of the year, total wine sales were about even with the prior year”.
The outlook for 2025 continues to be optimistic. With restaurants steadily on the rebound and off-premise sales continuing their post-pandemic boom. Online retailers have continued to be creative with digital engagement in retaining their recently acquired covid clientele. Unfortunately recent supply chain issues and price inflation have caused challenges on the industry – as expected.
So as we embrace the positive benefits of wine whether it be social, healthful, or the simple enhancement wine brings to food and life, we say… Cin Cin!