You can’t think of Italy or Italians without thinking of wine. We love drinking it, sharing it…and for many, making it. It may bring back warm memories growing up of family members crushing grapes in big wooden tubs by foot in your backyard, along side the tomato plants and fig trees. Or simply a jug always kept next to the dining table.
While the wine making process has changed a bit and evolved over the years…one thing will always remain…Italian wine is practically considered a sacred beverage, and to always be enjoyed among good family and friends.

Periodically we share with our readers exceptional blogs we come across. Alfonso Cevola is passionate about Italy, America, and wine.
Born in California to Sicilian and Calabrian parents whose families had immigrated to the United States in the first half of the 20th century, Cevola is a wine professional, who shares his thoughts, feelings and knowledge on his award-winning blog – On the Wine Trail in Italy.
In fact, on the subject of family memories growing up, Alfonso had shared some of his here: Italian Family Sundays – The Golden Age.
Alfonso participates in seminars and panels for the Italian Trade Commission, the Society of Wine Educators, Texsom and Vinitaly.
He has been involved in the writing, selling, educating and advancing the cause of Italian wines since 1978.